Mobile Devices

One of the key features of Gthnk is that it runs on your computer - not in the cloud - so you can keep your thoughts private. However, sometimes you’re on the road and you really want to write something down.

This scenario is no problem for Gthnk - just use a service like Dropbox or Seafile to sync your journal buffers back to your computer. This permits you to take non-sensitive notes even when you’re not by your computer.

Journal buffers via Dropbox

Gthnk can import any number of journal buffers every day. Edit INPUT_FILES in the configuration file ~/Library/Gthnk/gthnk.conf and add any Dropbox files there.

Since Dropbox is usually ~/Dropbox, you might create a file called ~/Dropbox/journal-phone.txt for capturing notes that come from your phone. To accomplish this, you would edit the configuration like this:

INPUT_FILES = "/Users/me/Dropbox/journal-phone.txt,/Users/me/Desktop/journal.txt"

Now Gthnk will import entries from the file on your Desktop and from your phone. It doesn’t matter if these files are empty most of the time; that doesn’t bother Gthnk.

Mobile Text Editors

Have you had success with other mobile text editors? Please create an issue that describes your experience and we can add it to this document.